April 17, 2010 - Dan has a surname

I want one with fluffy dice attached to it

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Daniel Tromp. Has a nice ring to it. Incidentally, this comic is actually the second version. You can view the older version by clicking here. Adding the customer's son just seemed to tie in with the theme better.

The next Cuthwald episode is animated, so there'll be a small delay before it is finished. But there'll be no lagging for the rest of NSFW Comix if I, Cybersp0nge, can help it!

Enjoying the new "world nations" hit counter? Look at Canada, slowly creeping up to snag second place from the UK! Or can they? C'mon, Canucks! Let's pull together and outdo those tea-sipping limeys! (They're totally cheating by getting Scotland to help them, too.) Of course, there's no competing with the USA, thanks to its immense English-speaking population. So once again, it's a race for 2nd place for the rest of the world, while America continues to dominate up on its throne of cheeseburgers and self-absorbed indifference. Le sigh. Also - LOL, we have more readers in Luxembourg than in China.

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(C)2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.