April 23, 2010 - A movie, right after these messages.

Class that cannot be dismissed!
Obscene is the new black!
fap fap fap

And now, the main feature:

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For those who have no idea where to start for deciphering the chemistry code, here's a hint: Look up the periodic table and write down each chemical symbol whose atomic number corresponds to numbers inside the atom symbols on the shirts!

Top DRAGUN is NSFW Comix's URLhost Tip's new cinematic venture. Be sure to keep an eye on this one... it's got dragons and cheesy dialogue and epic battles and everything! All it needs is 3D glasses and it could outdo Dreamworks.

Very big thanks to everyone who contributed to this "NSFW fashion show", whose names I have written down here as: Freya & friends, Andrea, Cass, Dan, Mel, Colin, Tasha, Jess A, Fisch, Lolwtf, Lucas, Marco S, Ovaron & his mate, Pervwolf, Teagan, The Jonker, tophaT, and Venso Howlie. Not all photos could be used but I tried to include as many as I possibly could, since all of NSFW Comix's readers are by far the sexiest of all webcomix readers.

No money? Votes for this site are good as gold!


(C)2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.