April 1, 2008


Finally, the sick & depraved website "Not Safe For Work Comix" has been taken down by the Netizens' Society of Family Wholesomeness. We have been working on acquiring NSFW Comix for some time, and today we were successful, when Cybersp0nge handed over full ownership of the site in exchange for US$9.75, with which he claimed he would "eat some REAL food, this week!" To demonstrate that websites can be more enjoyable when they are family-orientated rather than sick and x-rated, we have posted the following comic. We feel that it is a vast improvement on the previous ones.


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As you can see, this tale uses positive role model characters to deliver a moral about friendship and family values. The character of Cuthwald shows that generosity and thinking of others leads to a happier life than one of sin and selfishness. It also shows that Manly Man can have a sensitive side, and still be influential and fun. Being a male chauvinist is just a negative portrayal of men that has nothing to do with being "manly". And the little meadow critters, while not involved in Manly's dilemma, also benefited from helping him - they got hugs! Hooray! Everybody wins. And you still got a comic, with a happy ending to put a smile on your face a lot more wholesomely than a corny pun about rude things. Aren't you glad we finally took down Not Safe For Work?

NSFW will never be updated ever again, thank goodness. Another victory for the Netizens' Society of Family Wholesomeness!


(C)2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.

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