April 2, 2008

The Netizens' Society of Family Wholesomeness is dead. Send in the necros!

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Did you all enjoy the little April Fools' joke yesterday? Oh, internets. :rolleyes:

I would certainly not "sell out" NSFW Comix for some moral watchdog going around killing off the best sites on the internet (=pr0n). My PC died earlier this year, but did that stop me from making comics? Well, for a couple of weeks it did, yeah, but now I'm using another computer to make these comics instead of getting a second job so that I can buy a new computer. Heh. If only NSFW Comix WAS my second job. It's up to you! Donate money to (yes, it WORKS NOW, I swear) and I'll be able to continue making this comic ON A DECENT COMPUTER! Just like the makers of such laugh-a-panel classics as Penny Arcade and VG Cats and Ctrl-Alt-Del and other videogame-related internet funnies. Pay me enough and I too might jump on the videogame comic bandwagon instead of smut! Wouldn't THAT be fun? (I kiiid, I kiiid!)

NSFW will next be updated next week, probably Monday. Or next month, or next year, or it could even be never. You never know unless you donate a few dollars! And the more you donate, the less likely it is to suddenly end. But it'll probably be updated weekly for a while yet.
NEXT TIME: Flash time!


(C)2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.

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