We are an internet-based activist group devoted to purifying the internet by ridding it of all immoral and x-rated material.

Firstly, we are Netizens; that is, citizens of the internet. The internet is our country, and we are proud of it. So when we see it getting polluted by immoral websites, we do something about it. We want out country to grow strong and beautiful, not stagnate with sin.

Secondly, we are a Society; we are not just a bunch of users, but we are a community of people. We have goals, such as ridding the internet of depravity. We have ideals, such as wholesomeness and family values. We work together for mutual benefit.

Thirdly, we are a Family; we pride family values above all others. In today's world of divorced or split families, we know just how important it is for children to have good role models as parents. However, sadly not all children have such vital parental influences. In many cases, these children turn to the internet to compensate, and we hope to be there, waiting for them, and to provide them with an internet that instils the wholesome family values that their parents have failed to give them.

Finally, we are Wholesome; we are Grandma's apple pie; we are Papa's hugs; we are kindly old Mr. Jenkins' hard boiled candy; we are the 1950's Golden Age of the 21st century, but with fewer horn-rim glasses. We are proud and open and honest about what we are. We are not a commercial organization, or a strange religious cult. Neither are we a squadren of political activists, although there may well be some among our number just as there are in any society. We are traditional, but only for the traditions that have stood the test of time and benefited mankind. We are also forward-thinking and welcoming of new ideas and technology, such as the internet. We believe that the internet can be a wholesome place, and that someday it will be entirely wholesome, just like this website now is.


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NSFW will never be updated ever again, thank goodness. Another victory for the Netizens' Society of Family Wholesomeness!


(C)2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.

Site Meter people are against internet depravity.