February 14, 2008 Okay look, I'm sorry to interrupt your comic at such an exciting point, but this is important. I was overwhelmed by all the donations on Paypal, so I made this comic. I luv u peepz. B mi valentienz? :3 Discuss this comic on the forum! I got so many more donations than I expected that I feel unworthy of such riches. So I made this new, sexy, bootay-filled comic just for those of you who donated me some support in these hard times, for Valentine's Day. And as for the rest of you, you've just read the comic. You can't un-read it. So DONATE MONEY OR ELSE YOU SUCK! (Just kidding.) Here's what NSFW fan and contributor Mr Bajs said about this comic:
NSFW will next be updated IF WE'RE ONLINE NEXT WEEK. Or next month, or next year, or it could even be never. You never know unless you donate a few dollars! And the more you donate, the less likely it is to suddenly end. But it'll probably be updated weekly for a while yet. |
(C)2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.