February 21, 2008

Flash animation time again!

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There is going to be a Manly Man movie.

If you would like to star in it, there are some voice acting roles up for grabs, ranging from "geek" to "token woman" to Manly Man himself.

All you have to do is record your voice and speak like whichever character(s) you want to audition for. You don't have to say anything in particular, but if you're stuck, just read out some appropriate speech from a NSFW comic. Then email the recordings to! Or come and join in the discussion on the forums.

NSFW will next be updated IF WE'RE ONLINE NEXT WEEK. Or next month, or next year, or it could even be never. You never know unless you donate a few dollars! And the more you donate, the less likely it is to suddenly end. But it'll probably be updated weekly for a while yet.
NEXT TIME: Gross out!


(C)2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.

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