April 9, 2011 - Third time's the charm

Heeeeere's the money shot!
Well, she HAS had a rough day or two.

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Third time's the charm, right? No? You want to see more of Long-Distance Bukkake Girl? But I already gave you some juicy Rule 34 on her! What about NSFW ponies/bronies?

Now, what's all this talk we've been hearing about a NSFW Competition!?
Well, Peanus Gallery members (that is if you're all not just Cuthwaldio pretending to be a bunch of people), this is an official announcement: there will be a NSFW Comix competition, with the prize being that you get to become a NSFW comix character (you can set ground rules like "no nudity", "no hetero", "no making fun of my tiny penis" etc). Full details of the competition will be released when I've thought of them. It won't be something like "whoever has the nicest boobies" or "whoever has the longest dick" - although I should mention that such attributes might help you appear in a NSFW comic regardless of the competition... RowWr!

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(C)2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.