January 22, 2011 - THIS! IS! NSFW COMIX!

You need Flash to view today's 9-page comic

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Big, sp0ngey thanks to all the contributors who have helped NSFW Comix arrive at this milestone update! Not all the updates were in comic-form though - some were animations, some were both animations and comix - so I can't really call this the 300th comic as such. But you're not here for the comix - you're here for the content! (i.e. dicks and boobies)

Although this was a special episode, it is not the end of the story, ohoho no! Rest assured, Cuthwald fans and Becky fans alike. There is oh so much moar in stoar foar yoar pleasuoar... um, plesiosaur... um, pleasure.

Not to be a Delilah Downer on this pleasant occasion, but BAD NEWS, EVERYONE:
I gotta apologise for losing part the update and not being able to replace it. I thought it'd be fun to make a time-lapse video of me drawing the "cover" graphic for this comic. So I did. Because I took 3 breaks in the middle of it, I made 4 separate sequences of frames using an automatic screenshot program, and each sequence I carefully copied into its own separate folder. The next day the folders were all empty, and the screen-capture destination folder was filled up with other screenshots that I didn't need but the program had decided to do without asking, after I'd rebooted my computer. Since I'd already drawn the whole comic, you'll never get to see it being drawn super-fast and set to music. Baw.

Moral: Now, I'm no expert on missing files, although I do know how to check the recycle bin. So I don't know if those four separate folders of images magically deleted their own contents because of some new "undo file creation but not folder creation" or "delete contents of all subfolders but not the folders themselves" function in Windows 7 that I don't know about, or if the program "AutoScreenShot" from is a fucking useless pile of steaming shit which you should steer well clear of and all of the other supposedly shitty, mass file-deleting trojans they would produce if AutoScreenShot IS indeed to blame, but the end result is that I'll have to save that feature for another special comic. Maybe for NSFW's 6th (golly!) anniversary on May 15.
u mad, Sp0nge? Yes, you bet your ass i mad. i so mad that I rolled around like the angry WoW kid, screaming and tearing off my clothes and trying to shove a TV remove up my ass. But I didn't record any footage of that particular tantrum, either, so don't ask. It was a spur o' the moment thing. I think I pulled a muscle in my back though. I'm getting too old for this "losing my shit over losing shit" shit. Shit.

Happy 300, everyone! :)

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(C)2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.