November 23, 2009 - Cuthwald's Mom Has Got It Going On

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OMFG MOAR BECKYBOOBS!!!! Well, you asked for it. Now you'll get more of it than you know what to do with.

What will our heroes discover in Cuthwald's den? Tune in for the next part of the saga to find out! Or would you rather have a break from this tale, for some unrelated NSFW Comix?

If you're wondering why some of the backgrounds in this comic are in much greater detail than usual, it's because they're taken directly from the official Cuthwald Graphical Adventure Game, which has been "in production" since last year.

COMING UP: Another "viewer participation" comic, like the 200th Update comic! So if you have a camera and you don't mind appearing in a comic that isn't safe for work, head to the forums and read all about it! You don't even have to be photogenic or anything!


(C)2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.