April 19, 2009 - MOAR 4Chan Joekz!
For all you "newfags", the "Constantias" monologue is an oft-posted piece of "copypasta" that trolls use on 4chan boards to bait insecure teenage boys into replying with how awesome it is to have a brain. This copypasta is almost always accompanied by a photo of a carrot-complexioned, pouty-lipped poser workin' it for the camera between two fake-tanned skanks. Other hilarious variants of this bait also exist in the form of such copypastas as "the Alpha Male" copypasta, which is written as if from the perspective of a high school jock.
NEWS - 4/29/2011: This comic came full-circle when somebody posted the Constantias Copypasta on /b/ using the image of Constantias from the last panel. Oh dear.
- Submitted by a contributor from the Shoutbox