April 13, 2009

Hope you had a good Easter, if you celebrate that sort of thing!
Thank you NSFW forumgoer "Shivers", for the wonderful Easter greetings.

And now, the main feature.

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Hey gang, Cuthwald's funeral is coming up soon, so if you would like to step up to the podium and share any tales of his life, please put them into comic-form and send them in to! They will be shown on this page (if they follow the submission rules)! I've got one such comic so far...

So come and join in the fun! It's a great way to promote your own web-comic, and I'll link back to your site as well.

Story behind today's comic: Some sick dude set his dog on a cute fwuffy cat, filmed it and put it on the internet. Then the amorphous 4chan /b/-forum hivemind known as "Anonymous" (the same group responsible for the origin of the internet "LOLcats" meme) tracked him down and set his local SPCA on his ass.


(C)2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.