April 9, 2023 - Thirsty Kirsty Goes Goblin Mode... LITERALLY!

A customer!

Make the sale.

I'm going in.

Her Majesty the Size Queen, Kirsty the First...y

Fantasy problems require fantasy solutions

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Today we answer the age-old question, "What if Thirsty Kirsty was a goblin or goblin-adjacent creature and ran a battle-gear shop in a DnD-like Tolkienesque fantasy realm?"
(SPOILER ALERT:) Horny shenanigans, that's what.

April 2024 Note: Although I didn't know it at the time due to a miscalculation in 2020 and subsequent lack of site updates due to the absence of fucks to give when the website itself became unpredictably unavailable, but: after finally getting around to updating the NSFW Comix archive, it appears that this comic was the 600th NSFW Comix update thingy.

Of course, what qualifies as a "NSFW Comix update" is highly variable, with 2021's Kinktober going from "a whole week in a single update" to "one update per day" halfway along, and many updates from previous decades being little more than blogs or memes while actual artwork I've posted on Newgrounds and Twitter didn't end up being NSFW Comix updates at all, it's really more a case of dumb luck that this inconsistent way of doing things resulted in this epic comic being number 600.

And on that note, this restoration of the archive has been a long time coming. What started as a few missed days during the demands of daily artwork for Kinktober 2021 ended up being a considerable undertaking with very little payoff since has been plagued by both browsers and internet service providers blocking it for its name alone. Only now, during Easter, have I decided to do some damn housekeeping for the sake of having it archived somewhere and not just let it vanish. Two hard drive failures in the past two years have scared me into action, somewhat.

But this is not where it all ends. ANOTHER reason why I didn't update the site for so long was because it's kind of garbage! It contains a lot of stuff I ain't proud of, and the stuff I AM proud of is disgusting, to quote Moe Szyslak. The next stage is to make the site easier to navigate, and to decide which comics are going to be on the main part of the site and which ones are going to be archived away where only the hardcore fans can access them. Also, what is to be done about the Flash-based stuff, particularly the interactive things?

It has to be done sometime, but not right now. Archiving all the comics from the last few years is the first step I had to take while not thinking about what comes next. Thanks for reading.


(C)2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 Cybersp0nge & NSFW Comix