July 10, 2016 - Doctor, Doctor, ![]()
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I've been away for too long. So I'm easing back into NSFW Comix by going through my backlog of ideas and bringing them to life, even if they didn't want to brought to life. And that was the original "method" behind NSFW anyway - just stoopid ideas, not overthought or anything, but lately I've been overthinking stuff, getting "too deep" into it, agonizing over artistic details, second-guessing my punchlines, to the point where comics tend to stall and break down on the side of the creativity superhighway. I mean, hell, they're POOPS AND BUTTS AND BOOBIES AND UNMENTIONABLES comix. Sometimes they're not even that. Sometimes they're just surreal. Sometimes they're just EdGeLoRdIsH. In any case, they were never supposed to be taken seriously by me or my readers. Sure, I can take my craft seriously (the drawing/animating), but the comix that I use those skills for are meant to be just for funsies! For the lulz! Having 10 years worth of art behind you can be a daunting legacy to live up to. Even if only about 10% of it is good, that's still effectively a whole year's worth of goodness to feel an obligation to continue. To prove to yourself or maybe to your audience that you're not simply "over the hill", but always improving. When NSFW Comix was new, I didn't have that, and as much as I enjoy starting over with a new alter ego and seeing if I can still be entertaining, I'm not one to abandon my "kids", so to speak. And speaking of abandoning things, the unfinished My Little Pony parody has been weighing on my (withered stump of a) soul as well. Friendship With Benefits was too big a project, too much for one sponge to complete on his own, and since I don't really work well with others it is with heavy heart (laden with more than just cholesterol) that I admit that I'm going to give all the assets from it to my mate BrutaMod and his trusty sidekick Catfood McFly and see if they can do anything with it, whether that means chopping it up into even smaller episodes or harvesting it for gags or gifs or whatever. My life no longer has space for working on that project AND doing internet comix that don't require any fucks to be given. It goes against my nature to put my own "child" up for adoption, but it's for her own good. And maybe my own good too. And the good of the incredibly talented voice actors who went along with this. And possibly even your own good, dear reader. Possibly even yours. *brightens up* So! This new comic is setting the bar back at a nice low standard (Doctor jokes? In the Year of Our Lord 2016? OH no I shiggy-diggy-DIDN'T) so I can return with a barrage of the shittiest comix I can squeeze out and still be happy with. -Sp0nge ![]() |
(C)2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.