January 3, Tentie-Twelve

Wahp wahp wahhhh

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There is nothing I can really add that hasn't already been said many a time about comparing the feeling of violation you get when someone impersonates you on Facebook because you didn't log out of your account to the trauma of sexual abuse.

And so, as we crawl bleary-eyed and sticky with various fluids both unidentifiable and identifiable into the year 2012, NSFW Comix is still here to ease our hangovers. Hope your New Year's celebrations were sufficiently debauched to make this metaphor just that much closer to a literal description.


Regarding NSFW:MLP:FIM 'auditions', I realize that there are a lot of great voice actors out there who can imitate My Little Pony characters from Applebloom to Zecora, and although I will probably see if they are interested, I want to give you, the NSFWC readers, a head start. NOW is the time to send me audio files (or links to your youtube videos, etc) that show me how well you can imitate characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. If you're good enough, you'll get the role, but not if somebody else gets in first.
I am more urgently on the lookout for a Princess Celestia, but overall I just wanna hear who can do the best impression of MLP:FIM characters.

Also I would like voices for Celestia's royal guards, so boys, you can audition too!

No money? Votes for this site are good as gold!


(C)2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.