December 26, 2009 - The plot thickens...

Here we are, at the final episode of this 'act' of the saga known as "The Death of Cuthwald". The previous acts are now organised into their own little archive for your convenience, dear readers:
Death of CuthwaldThe Death of Cuthwald - All Acts, all episodes
But now let us get on with the exciting conclusion of Act III...

^ There should be a Flash movie loaded/loading here. If not, check that all your scripts and suchlike are turned on, and email me and let me know something's amiss!

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What a year! I'm pooped. G'night all! :) Happy Christmas Holidays, everyone.

Special thanks to the people who auditioned when I announced that I was going to animate ALL of this. As it turned out, events conspired against this plan, as events do around this time of year. But who knows what next year may hold?

Dec 29 - Update: I've re-organised the Archives somewhat, to put the various storylines into their own separate archives (as well as being in the complete list of NSFW Comix). Now the little icons next to a comic's title can be clicked to take you to a new section for comics with the same character (such as the Manly Man section Manly Man!) or with the same storyline (such as The 20-Year-Old Virgin The 20-Year-Old Virgin)! Feel free to point out comics that I may have missed in any category, or any new categories that you think ought to be created.


(C)2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 NSFW Comix LTD.