March 19, 2009

Rorschach's alternative porn-name: 'Raw Cock'

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Watchmen is pretty rad. I also heard there was a movie based on it, now. Apparently every scene has a bit that makes no sense unless you read the book, like the director read the book and didn't understand most of it, so he put all the bits he didn't understand in the movie in case they were important. Then he put a bunch of familiar music in there so that viewers would at least have SOME connection to the otherwise bewildering story.

But there's hot sex in the movie! Fuck yeah! And people getting their limbs tore off! And loads of flamethrowers! And a yellow smiley face with a red splatter on it! Several times! Throughout the movie! Just in case you wanted some symbolism! We got yer symbolism right here! And an inflatable flying purple elephant, because.... J-just BECAUSE, dickwads! Read the fucking book! ;)

But, in more sensible business, we've got banners & stuff for the site now. Yay!


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