July 14, 2008
And we're back. Sorry I ran out of internets for a while, there.
C'mon, admit it: you'd go for your merit badges in Gimpwork, Whiphandling & Chainmastery, Yiffwork, Goatseism, and Bondage if you had half the chance. I blame society.
Now, some of you might be thinking "Whoah, Cybersp0nge's overstepping the mark this time, with depictions of shenanigans with underage girls and whatnot, I say I say!" Well the thing is, I could've done this with Boy Scout merit badges instead, except that boy scouts have been doing these things for decades now, but we just never got badges for them. Instead we got a candy bar and instructed to under NO circumstances tell anyone what we just did. Ahhh, good times; good times. I wouldn't be half as perverted as I am if it weren't for those glory days when I was in boy scouts.
As a scoutmaster, that is. Damn boy scouts, always making us adults do unspeakable things and bribing us with candy.