March 28, 2008


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That's one of the hottest pics of a chick I've ever drawn on a computer, and I had to go and ruin it by putting it in THAT context. But that's all what NSFW is about! We don't make porn, here. It's not MY job to make fap-fodder. I'm just doin' it for teh lulz. If you wanna beat your meat to some hot babes, well, heh, this is the internet fer cryin' out loud. ;D

Might I also add that the Manly Man movie is kicking into action now, with the voice actors1 busily scurrying to their recording studios2 while the script editor3 confers with quality control1 and the animator3 thinks "I HAVE SO MUCH FREAKING WORK TO DO. OMG." Yep. It's a veritable Hollywood effort down here at NSFW Studios, complete with our very own writer3 bitching about how underpaid he is.

1: People on the internet who read this comic and wanted to be involved in the MMM.
2: Desktop microphone, if the cat will shut up for a minute.
3: Cybersp0nge.


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